Migrant Workers Fund

Welcome to the Migrant Workers Fund Donation Page! This fund helps migrant workers to leave abusive working conditions and return home. Your donations are used to deliver frontline support and flight tickets to return home.

In other words, your support is vital to our work!

Whether you are a supporter from across the globe, a US citizen/resident seeking tax benefits, or a Muslim needing to perform Zakat we offer convenient options for you to become part of a larger community of changemakers, where every contribution, no matter how small, has the power to create a ripple effect of impact and inspire others to join in.

US Tax Deductible Donations

For US residents and citizens seeking tax benefits, donations made through our fiscal sponsor in the US are tax-exempt. Your contributions directly support our initiatives while providing you with tax benefits. To make a tax-exempt donation, click the “US Tax-Exempt Donation” button below.

Global Donations

By donating, you’re not just giving money, you’re investing in the betterment of humanity, fueling positive change that starts with a single act of generosity. Contribute from anywhere in the world and be a vital part of our mission. Your support enables us to continue our essential work creating positive change in the community.

Zakat or Sadaqah

Your generosity has the power to change lives. Your Zakat donation will be used for the Muslim community of migrant workers. Your Sadaqah donation will support the overall community offering hope, dignity, and support during challenging times. Together, we can create a more inclusive society.

Your $50 monthly donation can help one person return home every year.